
  1. 全國統一使用標準語方言方言 2.外語

  2. 本國特有語言滿洲國語」。

  3. 春秋左丘明分別記載 事蹟周穆王五百餘年一分國紀春秋外傳」。

Chinese language (Mandarin)​, emphasizing its national nature, Chinese as a primary or secondary school subject, Chinese in the context of the Nationalist Government, Guoyu, book of historical narrative c. 10th-5th century BC
langue chinoise (mandarin)​
Hochchinesisch, Mandarin (taiwanisches Mandarin, im Gegensatz zu 普通話)​ (S, Sprachw)​, Landessprache (S, Sprachw)​